Here are some little questions how you can find out your tritype in a minute:
How do you prefer to be seen?
As nice and helpful - 2
As successful - 3
As special and interesting - 4
How do you prefer to get your attention?
By asking people if you can be of use - 2
By showing off your achievements - 3
By being weird or dramatic - 4
For what purpose do you prefer to use information and objects?
Understanding, wisdom - 5
Security, defense - 6
Happiness, fun - 7
With which kind of statements do you have the biggest problems?
Inaccurate statements - 5
Naive statements - 6
Negative statements - 7
For what do you prefer to use your time?
Starting new projects - 8
Collecting ideas what to do - 9
Finishing projects - 1
1 and 6
2 and 5
3 and 8
4 and 7
1 and 4
1 and 7
2 and 8
3 and 5
4 and 6
5 and 8
126, 136
125, 259
368, 378
478, 479
162, 612
163, 613
251, 521
386, 836
387, 837
478, 748
146, 641
285, 582
358, 853
417, 714