
Finding out your tritype

Here are some little questions how you can find out your tritype in a minute:

Heart fix

How do you prefer to be seen?

As nice and helpful - 2

As successful - 3

As special and interesting - 4

How do you prefer to get your attention?

By asking people if you can be of use - 2

By showing off your achievements - 3

By being weird or dramatic - 4

Head fix

For what purpose do you prefer to use information and objects?

Understanding, wisdom - 5

Security, defense - 6

Happiness, fun - 7

With which kind of statements do you have the biggest problems?

Inaccurate statements - 5

Naive statements - 6

Negative statements - 7

Gut fix

For what do you prefer to use your time?

Starting new projects - 8

Collecting ideas what to do - 9

Finishing projects - 1

Common and rare tritypes (Predictions)

Likely together in a tritype (in any cognitive function stack)

1 and 6

2 and 5

3 and 8

4 and 7

Unlikely together in a tritype (in any cognitive function stack)

1 and 4

1 and 7

2 and 8

3 and 5

4 and 6

5 and 8

Likely tritypes (all permutations)

126, 136

125, 259

368, 378

478, 479

Unlikely tritypes (All permutations)





Most likely tritypes (specific permutations)

162, 612

163, 613

251, 521

386, 836

387, 837

478, 748

Least likely tritypes (specific permutations)

146, 641

285, 582

358, 853

417, 714