The center triads each consist of three neighbor types.
The heart triad consists of the types 2, 3 and 4. Their behavior focuses on how others see them.
The head triad consists of the types 5, 6 and 7. Their behavior focuses on objective reality.
The gut triad consists of the types 1, 8 and 9. Their behavior focuses on action and practice.
The types 1, 2 and 6 have a suppressed head. This manifests in sticking to routines.
There is probably a connection to what Sigmund Freud called an "anal fixation".
1: do what is told
2: value what is told
6: think what is told
The types 3, 7 and 8 have a suppressed heart. This manifests in prioritizing their own interests and ignoring others'.
There is probably a connection to what Sigmund Freud called a "phallic fixation".
3: value for your advantage
7: think for your advantage
8: act for your advantage
The types 4, 5 and 9 have a suppressed gut. This manifests in over-reflection and procrastination of important decisions.
There is probably a connection to what Sigmund Freud called an "oral fixation".
4: value the best possible
5: think the best possible
9: do the best possible
The types 1, 3 and 5 are the experts of their center and teach others how to deal with it.
People of this triad tend to live with a pressure to perform well and are the most likely to be perceived as arrogant.
1: do the purposeful
3: value the purposeful
5: think the purposeful
The types 2, 7 and 9 are the positives of their center and make it pleasant to others.
People of this triad tend to live with a pressure to appreciate things that show up to them and are the most likely to be perceived as not serious enough.
2: value the light
7: think the light
9: do the light
The types 4, 6 and 8 are the intense of their center and show others the issues that lie there.
People of this triad tend to live with a pressure to deal with the dark things and are the most likely to be perceived as too negative.
4: value the dark
6: think the dark
8: do the dark
When it comes to life choices, the types 1, 4 and 7 choose to follow their passion in their center.
People of this triad are most likely to be perceived as self-centered.
1: do the beautiful
4: value the beautiful
7: think the beautiful
When it comes to life choices, the types 2, 5 and 8 choose to serve certain purposes in their center.
People of this triad are most likely to be perceived as megalomaniac.
2: value the useful
5: think the useful
8: do the useful
When it comes to life choices, the types 3, 6 and 9 choose to look for a compromise between their options.
People of this triad are most likely to be perceived as lacking an own identity.
3: value the necessary
6: think the necessary
9: do the necessary
Type | Center | Suppressed Center | Energy | Lifestyle |
1 | gut | head | expert | passion |
2 | heart | head | positive | use |
3 | heart | heart | expert | mediation |
4 | heart | gut | intense | passion |
5 | head | gut | expert | use |
6 | head | head | intense | mediation |
7 | head | heart | positive | passion |
8 | gut | heart | intense | use |
9 | gut | gut | positive | mediation |