This site is going to be about a dimensional approach to cognitive functions which are set up by Carl Gustav Jung. The function genders were invented by the "Objective Personality" crew. The alternate function names and the dimensional approach are created by myself.
For an overview of the four dimensions of attention look at Dimensions of attention.
Cognitive functions work as tools to transform something in one dimension into something in a neighbor dimension. For each function, one dimension is dominant, while another one is secondary.
The feeling functions connect the first dimensional depth of will (Fi side) with the second dimensional social requirements (Fe side).
The sensing functions connect the second dimensional interface (Se side) with the third dimensional reality (Si side).
The thinking functions connect the third dimensional reality (Te side) with the fourth dimensional possibility space (Ti side).
The intuition functions connect the fourth dimensional possibility space (Ne side) to the first dimensional depth of will (Ni side).
I think that there are also two cognitive functions for each of the higher dimension. That theory still needs some thinking though.